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S7NS Station NFT

S7NS Station is not only an NFT Project but also a web3 fund that plans to back start-ups and new platforms.

The S7NS Station Fund

S7NS Station will launch the S7NS Station Fund (S7 Fund) and invest in a variety of web3 startups, including those that deal with cryptocurrency platforms, securing medical data technology, NFTs, VR/AR/AI, anti-money laundering tracking systems, and identity authentication.

These are just a few examples of the types of startups that  S7NS Station is interested in supporting. 

S7NS Station’s vision on Web3 and NFT

Web3 is seen as the future by many in the tech world. Its decentralized and peer-to-peer nature is seen as a way to get around some of the issues that have arisen with the current internet.

S7NS Station believes that Web3 has a lot of potential, and looks forward to seeing it grow and develop in the years to come.

NFT is the Community

NFT’s art is not about attractiveness to the general population. Its beauty is derived from the community that supports it. They are the ones who make it thrive and give it meaning. Simply put, without the community, NFT would not exist. And that is what makes it so special.

Money + Reputation = Utility

S7NS Station believes that utility is about money and reputation. These are two of the most important things in life for most people.

Utility is what allows people to achieve their goals and get what they want in life. It is important to have a good understanding of utility so that one can make the best choices in the space.





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